Tuesday, March 20, 2007

First Day Of LL

Yesterday workout was wonderful. By the end of the workout I was drenched in sweat and every muscle was pounding. Sounds terrible, but it felt great! I didn't get to workout with hubby. He came home with a case of the flu.. so he slept on the couch the rest of the afternoon and I dove right into the LL Cool J workout. This morning I am sore.. but not hurting.. just aching. Today is a cardio day, and since I don't have any cardio machines here at home, I am going to do a Tae Bo Cardio workout.

My diet could have been better ... so today I am going to focus on that again. I have to stay away from the girls snack food... crackers mostly.. carbs I really don't need.

Sorry this has to be so short, but I have a million things to do around the house this morning and I just don't have the patience to sit at the computer this morning. Ha... that's a first!

Have a Blessed Day!!


Cory said...

Glad to hear the workout was great, sad to hear the hubby's sick. Hope he's feeling better!

Fatinah said...

glad you liked the workout - sounds like a doozer!
Sorry you're honey is sick!

Living to Feel Good said...

Oh how I love that really sweaty feeling good workout! :D