Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hump Day

Had another great day yesterday. Did my workouts, and food was great. The sun was shining and the weather had warmed up a bit. Hubby got home early and we all headed outside to start getting the gardens ready for the spring planting. I cleaned up trash that had blown in all winter long.. hubby built fence.. the girls chased the dog... ahhhhhhhh I love spring. I worked up a great sweat and was excited that I felt so good and achieved so much.. yet again!

Yesterday hubby told me that my SIL fessed up and admitted that she did not weigh 160 (like her drivers license stated), but in fact weighed 190. Hubby says he thinks she is still fudging it.. but whatever. In a quick panic I asked him if he was telling his brother how much I weighed... he said "NO.. of course not. I just told him how much you've been working out and that you've lost alot of weight already". That made me feel great... Hubby's brother asked why I wasn't doing *Curves* like his wife was doing (my SIL). Hubby said "Everyone is different, and my wife like to work out harder." Now, I don't have anything against *Curves*. I think it is awesome that someone finally opened a gym to get woman out of the house and into a place where they are comfortable working out. I went to the one in town and tried it out. I didn't even break a sweat... and if you read my last entry you know that there is no way that would cut it for me!! So.. SIL is doing it.. and I'm doing it my way... we'll see who looks better in June! LOL I'm so competitive!

Hubby asked me to start teaching him Tae Kwon Do , so last night was his first lesson. It went better then I expected. If he keeps it up he could be really good. It was kinda fun being his teacher.... but I was also his target and I got my fill of kicks to the thigh while he was practicing. Oh well... wait till its my turn!!

As every day goes by, it sinks in a little more that this is going to be a looooooong trip. That I'm not going to suddenly wake up a size 7, perfectly shaped model. That I'm never going to be able to eat whatever I want to. That this is going to be something I have to do every day of my life.... and believe it or not... I am comforted by that. This change is something that will be around for the rest of my life. This body that is slowly (sometimes VERY slowly) changing for the better, the better eating habits , the daily exercise, the daily feel good vibe.... is going to be around for a long time. I may fall once in a while.. I'm only human.. but I will always get back up. My mind is where it should be... now if I can only keep it there!

Today is Tae Bo Extreme w/step again...

Have a Blessed Day


Anonymous said...

i do not know who this girl is who is driving herself so hard. but i like her a lot mabe you should think again about teaching mcduff that stuff no telling what a redneck might do with it

Martalu said...

Wow! I suddenly feel seriously giddy! I'm glad I stopped by today! Keep up the good work TL. You ROCK!

ArleneWKW said...

You are really doing well. You sound energized. And your latest photo of your daughter makes me want to reach into the computer and hug her.

Anonymous said...

I loved this whole entry but my favorite was the last paragraph, because I am starting to realize, after 25 years of dieting, it really has to be a lifestyle change. Anyways, I am pulling for you, girlie! Keep it up!

Michelle @ The 2007 Challenge said...

Hey sis - you totally rock, and I suck! LOL! I just joined Curves today LMAO! I have one near me at work, and plan to go there during lunch. I think it'll be better than my usual walks in the mall. I'm starting my DVDs in the morning too though, so maybe the combo will help me get up to your level, you workout diva you! :)


Unknown said...

You will be in ONEderland before you know it! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tigerlilly!

It's me..WHALE BUTT!

Thanks for your comments. Appreciate them.
Today is a whole new day.