Friday, July 18, 2008

Its Friday and I don't feel as good about this week as I did about last week. I've had one too many slip ups and not as many workouts to see another 3 pound loss on Monday. I'm hoping to still see a loss though!

I got some great tips for journaling what I eat through out the day. I think the one thing that will work for me is pre-planning my food for the day. If its already on paper then I will be more likely to stick to it. If I start with a blank paper, I may just go out of control! So I will be checking out Sparkpeople every morning to plan out a menu for the day and make sure the calories are on track... then I will write them down on a paper and tape it up somewhere in the kitchen. I'll try it over the weekend and let you know on Monday if it was a success.

I don't have a lot going on today so I am going to take the girls into town. We have been home all week and I think we are all suffering from cabin fever. Its time to go see what the rest of the world is doing! I would love to go walk around the city park but the trail goes right by the jungle gym and swings. Once the girls see swings I will be stuck there for at least an hour before we can keep walking. So I think I will pass on the park.

I have to get a good workout in today. I don't think I will have time tomorrow to go to the gym for my Saturday 'free' day. My appointment for my tattoo is at 1 pm and a good 40 minutes away. I don't want to have to drive into town twice in one day. So.. that means I will do my weights and a run on the treadmill tonight.

Sunday is going to be another day on the golf course... I am really looking forward to it.

I will see y'all on Monday!! Stay focused and make this weekend really count!


Fatinah said...

I can't wait to see your tattoo. I'm so jealous - I couldn't get an appt for mine until Aug 22!!! WTF??

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your next loss, I am sure you will do well again. I am just back from the gym and am loving the afterglow. I am sure you will too.

amma15 said...

I'm totally feelin ya on the bad week, I've been having a couple of weeks in a row actually.

FatMom said...

Cool tattoo! And how sweet about Angel's ears! Such big moments! I'm sure this week will be better...hang tough!