Not bad of a gain... like I said, I don't think I'll be seeing 200 ever again.. I was short on water yesterday and had kind of a salty dinner.. so I'm not surprised. Today I am sticking to my fruits and veggies, just because I feel like my body needs them.
I am nursing some injuries today.. and will probably be nursing them until I lose another 20 lbs. My knees have always bothered me... but lately, after running, they swell up to the point where I can't bend them. So I have to say no to running for awhile.. but I'm not letting it get me down. This morning I got on the treadmill and speed walked as best I could. I did 2 miles in 36 minutes. Not too bad.. I figure if I cant do the time, I can double the distance! So, the goal for the next 5 weeks is to speed walk 2 miles at least 4 days a week. I look forward to running again once I lose the next 20 lbs though!
I also did my weight lifting segment after my walk. I still need to do my Forza.. but I have to wait until either the girls are sleeping, or hubby comes home to entertain them while I'm throwing this sword around! LOL I'm telling you, this is such an awesome arm workout.
Another day of cleaning is ahead of me.. so I better get busy! See you tomorrow!
***** Out of Curiosity************
While walking I had many moments when I wanted to give up and get off the treadmill. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of me and hubby at the NFR in 5 weeks. Last year I was bulging out of my fat pants... this year I want to fit into my size 12 Rockies and my Western Lace shirt. We will have a babysitter (thanks mom) watching the kids at the hotel.. so hubby and I will be able to have fun.. and I want to look good this time!!
So... what is keeping you going??
re: the pain in your knees - runners often have very tight IT bands and hamstrings. Look on the internet for stretches for your IT bands - you will be shocked at how much it will help.
re: what keeps me going? it is funny that you ask that question today - I feel like I've lost my way completely - and I kid you not - I was just sitting here wondering what will keep me going? Right now doesn't feel like anything.... :-(
better not wear that shirt tl i hear that mduff has you entered in a whole bunch of events and he has duffy in a barrell playing with the bulls
Just think, doing twice the distance burns twice the calories!
As for something that keeps me going...I really want to be able to wear khakis to work again. I'm really getting tired of wearing black pants. But I refuse to buy any khakis when I have some that will fit if I keep losing weight! And I would love to be able to wear my little red dress again, although I'm not setting my heart on it...
Congrats on the weight loss - I am so happy for you - under 200 yea!!!! I hate walking or running on the treadmill I cannot stay motivated. I would much rather run 2 miles outside than force myself to do 2 miles on the treadmill. One thing I do use if I have to use a treadmill is to mix it up. This is a great way to burn lots of calories as well. Run for 5 mintues then hop off and do biceps and triceps, then hop on and run for another 5 minutes, then hop for and do another weight exercise - hey through that sword around. Just remember when you hop off to keep the heart rate up - it will slow down a little. This is a great way to get your cardio and weight lifting done in an hour and keep your heart rate up the whole time. I just remember - check out this link where I posted a routine for this: Run 6 minutes
1 Set of Arms (10 reps of each exercise)
biceps regular
biceps at an angle
biceps straight out
triceps - overhead - regular
triceps - overhead - slowly up and down
triceps on a bench behind
Run 2 minutes
Repeat 1 set of arms
Run 2 minutes
Repeat 1 set of arms
Run 2 minutes
(10 reps each)
Shoulder presses over head
Triceps dips
Push Ups
Run 2 minutes
Repeat above set
Run 2 minutes
Repeat above set
Run 2 minutes
Chair Pose - hold for 30 seconds
Legs (lunges across the room - cross room twice)
Chair Pose (hold for 30 seconds)
Squats to the side (10 on each side)
Chair Pose - hold for 30 seconds
Walk fast - 2 minutes
Repeat above leg workout
Walk Fast - 2 minutes
Repeat above leg workout
Walk Fast - 2 minutes
Ab Workout
10 normal crunches straight up
10 crunches to the right side
10 crunches to the left side
Legs up in the air and lift legs (10 to 20 reps)
Slowly raise and lower legs, keeping legs straight (10 to 20 reps)
Ab - bike on floor
Any other ab workout you like
Run 2 minutes
Repeat above ab workout
Run 2 minutes
Repeat above ab workout
Run 2 minutes
Ab workout on ball
Run 5 minutes and walk for 5 minutes to cool down
If you do the whole workout you are running for 30 minutes and weight training for 30 to 40 minutes depending on how long you take for each set. You could probablly burn about 600 or more calories in one hour. Sorry so long.
Congrats to you! You are doing so well. I am trying to complete 6 miles this week as a goal, and I hope I can do it! Last week I did 5 miles.
What motivates me is getting a better score on my annual fitness test! That and being able to fit into my size 10 jeans again. I am wearing them, but they are WAY too tight! Keep up the good work!
If running is stressing your knees, you might try hill climbing. Your treadmill will need to be able to change inclines to do it - but it burns some serious calories, is low impact and you don't have to move fast to do it.
You are really rocking this whole get fit/look great thing. You keeping on doing it keeps me keeping on keeping on. You are an inspiration, TL! Wooo!
You are looking so good and I am vey proud of you. I have been getting a fun bag together for the trip to Vegas and we are going to have a blast!
I love you MOM
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