Thursday, November 15, 2007

Day 62:195

I was droopy all day yesterday. Although I didn't eat a lot, I ate terrible. Including two pieces of pizza for dinner. I did keep my water up to par.. but felt so sick by 7:30 that I just went to bed. I woke up this morning feeling much better, but had that old familiar voice in my head saying "you don't need to work out today. Take another day off" .... I laid in bed for half an hour. My girls crawled into bed and turned the channel to their favorite cartoon... and a tiny voice deep, deep, deep inside said "now would be a good time to hop on the treadmill". I slowly got dressed and pulled on my shoes. I approached the treadmill with a sense of dread. Oh, how easy it would be to give it all up right now. I mean, I'm sure you can lose weight by just watching what your eating and NOT exorcising. There are pills I can take, and I could quit eating bread.

Don't worry.. I turned on the treadmill and wogged my 2.5 miles.. yes, half a mile more then what I had planned to do. Not because I felt guilty for thinking of not working out, but because it felt good. I just didn't want to stop yet. I got off and did my 60 push-ups and 60 sit-ups... and I started to do my Tae Bo Abs.. but only made it 5 minutes before I felt a little sick.. so I will wait until this afternoon to do those. Tonight is my Forza...

To say the least, my energy is back.

It is a feeling we are all very familiar with.. the 'I want to give up' voice that lingers in our head. Why cant I just eat chocolate cake all day and still lose weight? Well, I hate to say it.. but I tried that diet, and it doesnt work.

I know we all have had days that I had yesterday and this morning... and these are the days when we are truly tested. Are we going to give it all up for the freedom to eat what we want?(and we have that freedom now, we just have to do it the right way) Are we going to be happy with the 'fat pants' that are too tight? Are we going to be ok with giving up on ourselves... again?

I hope these days are few and far between.. but I know that one will cross my path again. I just pray that I am better prepared for the next one!

Tonight is my date night with Hubby... I cant wait. I feel good.. look good.. and am ready to keep going!!

******P.S... I ordered my daughters birthday cake.It is a barbie, and her dress is the cake!! Perfect!!*********


Anonymous said...

hey tl most everyone has those days just fight thru if not , try again next day

Cory said...

Glad to hear you actually got up and did your workout. That is so awesome!
Have fun on your date, and cool cake idea!

Laura N said...

I totally knew you got up and hit the treadmill. I had no doubts at all! Look at that scale going down and those days going up. You are doing so great.

Have a fun night with hubby!

Fatinah said...

I was sitting here contemplating not walking the dog when I read your post. I'm going to go take him now. You rock!
Have fun on your date.....

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

Good for you for continuing when you felt good and stopping when you felt bad. That takes discipline!

Tiffany said...

You are doing great - don't give up now. Good job on hoping on the treadmill. When I really don't want to work out but know I should I force myself to do 10 mintues - if I am still hating it at that point then stop but 95% of the time I feel great at 10 minutes and keep going.

Pokey said...

I've been out of touch for a are doing GREAT on the weight loss! Keep it up!