Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Day 13 P90X, CHOCOLATE!!!!

A couple of weeks ago I entered a Scavenger Hunt over at Marshy's blog to try and win a copy of DietGirls new book. I didn't win the book, but I did get runner-up! My prize arrived yesterday. A package of MallowPuffs, Arnott's Mint Slice Biscuits, a BAR of Whittaker's cashew nut chocolate and 4 CD's filled with workout music!! For reasons we all know I gave the MallowPuffs and Biscuits to the Hubby and Kids. The bar of chocolate is mine, ALL MINE, muahahahaha!! I am putting it away for a treat every now and then. (Unless I go crazy with it and then Hubby has full power to take it away!) The music came at the most perfect time! With all this walking I am listening to my IPod all the time... and the same music over and over again. Today I have all new music to 'walk' and roll to! THANK YOU MARSHY!!

I barely managed my 6 miles yesterday... the last 3 miles were slow and lacking *umph*.. but I was moving (not sitting on the couch watching TV and mindlessly eating) and that's what counts. My legs are sore today.. but I have noticed that they are slimming down. Some of my old pants are getting really loose in the thigh area... hopefully that will happen soon in the waist area!

I have been drinking Slim Fast for my breakfast lately... something I found out last night is not a good things when you are lactose intolerant! Doh! **sigh** now I have to find something else that is quick and easy and yummy to drink in the morning. (and is a meal replacement) Sometimes trying to eat healthy is a pain in the butt...no wonder we ended up eating what we did, it was easy to!

Today's Plan:

Kenpo X
walk, walk, walk

Focus: Water, Calories

Its time for spring cleaning...and that should burn about 5,000 calories!! LOL


Fatinah said...

I think in my present state I can guess what that morning shake did to you!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought of making smoothies for breakfast? You could use soy milk couldn't you? I dont know anything about being lactose intolerant, but I'm sure there's got to be something you could use.
And eat a bite of that chocolate for me will ya?! =)

FatMom said...

Yes, there are some days when the ole workout lacks the "uumph" factor, but you're totally right...you were out there doing it anyhow!!! For breakfast, I will typically eat a Luna bar or a Clif bar...neither of which has any milk in it. Luna bars are about 180 cals., chock full of vitamins, too! Clif bars are a bit more substantial... 250-280 cals, and also full of good stuff. Both are .99-1.25 each, or you can buy by the case.

Aunt Melvie Brownies and More said...

Chocolate with cashews?! Oh.....man......mmmmmm....that sounds so good. Take a bite for me, too!


Great going with the walking. I keep feeling like reading about your exercising will make me feel lazy enough to actually get up and do it, too....
Keep it up...I think I'm almost there...
Seriously, though...I admire you and your dedication. I honestly hope to be like you....one of these days...

Unknown said...

thats funny they give chocolate and workout cds together. haha. but sounds delish! Congrats!