This weekend was crazy. We all spent it out in the field...breaking down an old chicken coop on the far end of the property and re-building it up by the pump house. The fact that we kept two whole walls in tact... and hubby and I could lift them onto the trailer and then off and stand them up where we wanted them...well, we were both talking about how neither one of us could have done that 6 months ago. The coop is almost done... all but one side wall that needs to be covered. Next weekend we will finish it and get up the fence for their run. We also got a ton of fence from our neighbor who replaced all of theirs with chain link.. so we are going to enclose the entire front 'area' so the girls can go out there and play and I don't have to worry about losing them in the 'great unknown'.... and so they will not find their way to the back of the property where there are some unknown dogs that belong to the unknown neighbor.
My workouts were short and far between. Mostly because I was exhausted from doing physical labor all day. 'Write What I Bite' is still in effect. I haven't gone over 1600 calories all weekend.. my daily calories should be between 1400 and 1660 according to Sparkpeople, because of all the workouts I do. I'll take that!
Hubby is out of town all week. It baffles me that people don't believe we are in a recession. I guess you can only see it if you live in a small town like ours where mom and pop stores are going out of business on every block, construction is at a stand still and wheat is MORE EXPENSIVE then gas (which is way over $3.5 now). Hay is $17 a bail when last year it was at $10... Hubby's work is always slow in the winter but by now they are usually working long days just to catch up with all the new work coming in... but there isn't any work coming in. It has gotten so bad that they are now working out of town.. and not just a little out of town. Hubby is working 7 hours away on the other side of the state. Just so you don't think he has some weird job that isn't needed daily.. he is an electrician.
I think we all need to start thinking about becoming a little more self reliant. I don't know what city living is like, but I'm sure the cost of food is sky rocketing there too. I have started some cucumber, tomato and pepper plants inside this spring. (inside because although we are hitting the 70's during the day we are still freezing at night) Hopefully by summer we will have some beautiful veggies to pick... and thanks to the cute chicks in the living room we will have fresh eggs too!!
Today's Plan:
Cardio X
Focus: Water, WWIB
Delurking to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. You're an inspiration to me- thank you.
I totally agree with what you said about becoming more self sufficient. I saw an article the other day on CNN that said that globally our food costs have increased by 40% in recent years.
And yeah, I think we're in a recession. I have a Master's degree and I'm delivering pizza's right now because I can't find a job. Don't even get me started on trying to diet when faced with free food and a car that smells like pizza all the time! lol
I think the time is coming where we will all need to become a lot more self sufficient. I'm looking into raised bed gardening- something that I NEVER thought would be interesting to me.
Best of luck!
I feel you girl. Everything is so dang expensive! The only thing I can do in the city to reduce my expense is take the bus instead of drive. I've been doing it for weeks now, and I love it! I get to experience weather now! Woohoo! And it's just so pretty outside that it puts me in the best mood ever. Too bad I get to work. I'm glad to have a job, but the job does suck quite a bit.
Anyway, keep up the good work with the gardening. I may have to try some pot gardening. NO, not marijuana! Just growing herbs and veggies in pots!
First off, you are looking GOOD in your pics! As I get ever larger and larger!!
Promise me that we'll hang out before I pop out this baby!!
Second...I totally agree with the food is too expensive idea. I went shopping yesterday, spent $25...on what? Eggs, milk, bread, a giant package of hot dogs (for the kids)
Bread is RIDICULOUSLY expensive.
Even though we're getting into summertime now, I'm seriously considering making my own bread from now on. It would be WAY cheaper than $3+ a loaf AND better for us!
It's a global thing! We are also struggling and I may have to go back to work...
Have a great week!
I feel your pain - we are eating more and more vegetarian meals because meat is just too expensive! And when we do eat meat, I drag out the crockpot to tender-up the cheaper cuts!
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Hey TL, my husband is a landscaper/irrigation contractor, so I know all about those lean winters!! We were just talking last night about planting a garden. Normally it would be something we do just for fun, but now it's becoming more of a necessity.
I went to the store last night to pick up just a few things. $70 and two (yep just 2) grocery bags later, I realized I am going to have to start doing things differently.
On the upside, I'm getting faster at my walking!! I increased my speed just a little this morning because yesterday's workout at my regular speed hardly made me break a sweat. Today's speed fixed that!!
Have a great day!!
You've gotta love the fact that you get to eat a bit extra because you work out. I know I do. I'm going to keep exercising just so I can keep eating. =)
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