Thursday, November 30, 2006

Learn How To Pause

Yesterday was not a PD#3.. but I really didnt do too bad either. Nothing to beat myself up over.. I just didnt drink enough water, or excersize.. I had a small piece of Sweet Potatoe Pie for dessert and a couple of fruit snacks that the girls were eating. I didn't BINGE.. but I did cheat on my diet. So.. today we will have to work on PD#3... and for those who were not around when I started PD.. its stand for Perfect Day... meaning no cheating on the diet, excersize and plenty of water. Sounds easy... but if it was, I would have been skinny along time ago!!

So for some reason last night I saw myself in a new light.. to be specific, it was the bathroom light. I stood naked in front of the mirror and gasped as I started to see how my curves were not curvy.. just blobby. (only word I could think of to describe it) I saw myself, but it was me wearing a fat suit... I think I have been kidding myself for years.. thinking that I was merely chubby. I know it sounds terrible, but it actually helped me realize how baddly I need to lose weight. I promised myself right then and there that I was going to do this. I know that I eat too many carbs, I eat bigger then diet portions, and I dont do enough excersize.. so I am going to quit kidding myself and start doing this right. Good grief, I am not going to be 200 lbs the rest of my life... and I am NOT going to gain more weight. So.. today starts a new determination for me. I want to take this fat suit off and see the real me again. I know my body.. and what has worked in the past. It was not easy, but if I did it then, I can do it now.

Tea Quote:

"Harmony is the inner cadence of contentment we feel when the melody of life is in tune. When somehow we're able to strike the right chord - to balance the expectations of our families and our responsibilities in the world on the one hand with our inner needs for spiritual growth and personal expression on the other... Usually, when the distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we eliminate is the thing we need the most: quiet, reflective time. Time to dream, time to think, time to contemplate what's working and what's not, so that we can make changes for the better....Learn how to pause."
-Sarah Ban Breathnach

So today starts new for me...

Have a Blessed Day.. and pause today.. just for a minute, for yourself!


jeannie* said...

Good for you! You CAN do this. And its true that sometimes we need a good old fashioned does of reality to get our butts in gear!

Keep up the great work :)

~~Midnight Raider~~ said...

Sounds like you're doing a really great job! Be kind to yourself, and your health and weight will naturally improve.

Cory said...

YAY! on the recommit. Sometimes we just have to do that.

I can SO understand how you felt looking in that mirror wasn't so long ago that I faced that same thing and joined weight watchers.

lisa jane said...

I wish you the love for yourself that all of these people have for you.

Martalu said...

It is weird to realize something like that, huh? Like when I'm shopping for new clothes because everything I own is getting too big, then I realize that I still have a long way to go, and just how did I let myself get here? Well, that's in the past, but we definitely have to lose the weight and live our healthiest lives possible. Starting now and every single minute for the rest of our lives! We're worth the effort!

MK said...

Hey Tigerlilly...
It's the 30 days countdown till end of the year.... Let's finish with a bang and lose as much weight as possible. I hope your holiday was good.

ArleneWKW said...

Blobby is an excellent word. Very discriptive - unfortunately. The photo is spectacular. I also like the harmony quote. Thanks for sharing it.